Sick - Again
Dun understand y i fell sick so easily. Maybe its just an excuse of not going to work. I've been thinking a lot lately. I might give up this job and search for something which is more interesting. Meaning no more office based job for me.
I don't know yet, but finding another office job is 90% impossible.
I'm still not prepared to get a job which is 1/2 of my basic salary now, but i want to do wat i wanted to.
I've already wasted 1 yr in an office (-___________________-)
I can see the devil and angle again sigh..
What should I do?
........................................................................... *sigh*
by the way, I've created another series of earrings (YAY!) made 3 pairs of different color each.
I've also created a blog for these, this is a good start for me :)
I've been wanting to do this for a long long time alr, but due to my overloaded work, there is no time for me to do it.
Anyway, fell sick is not always a bad thing. I can have some free time for my hobby which i wan to use it to make some extra income heh heh..
hope i can manage it well.
I wan to sell my hand made accessories ^^
c ya~
Monday, June 16, 2008
A lot of things happened recently. Had a quarrel with him again.. I was named "the bad person" once again. It has already been 1 week.
He says that I am not his daughter, doesnt want me to talk to him, and I didn't talk him to fufil his dream until last Sunday when he asked a question, and yet still "complaining" behind my back.
He pushed all the blames to me. Says that he doesn't want to take up any responsibility to this family anymore.
He can't even feed his family well. Everything is registered under my mum's name.
Now I am NOTHING to him. I want to buy a house and move out. That is my dream since i was 11.
I have had enough of his nonsence.
Things are getting from bad to worse. Was telling myself that I have to adapt to the major change of work procedures, but it seems like we are getting more and more "unofficial responsibilities".
We have to take care of 70% of the company flow with just 5 ppl in the team.
With a supervisor that does not know how to protect his ppl, and me the longest who stayed in this position (1 yr 1 mth).
We worked so hard and none of them appreciate. Other departments are seeing us as useless, slow, irresponsible workers.
We have no more "power", ppl are stepping on our tail, even our vendor.
Our pay are so pathetic. I am 100% sure that we get the lowest pay rate in the whole company, and yet we have to take care of 70% of the work.
I need to search for a new job.
Tuesday, June 10, 2008